About Me

What I’m All About! (almost)

Lil Bo and Me

Baby Bo and Me . . . A boy and his dog . . . A dog and his boy . . . Bo and his friend . . . Best friends!


I am a retired mechanical engineer, and I live in the mountains of North Carolina with my wife and our two Belgian Sheepdogs. We pay the bills and the dogs run the house.

I grew up in NYC and in my early thirties moved to South Florida. While I lived in Manhattan, I worked as an engineer and photography took up most of my spare time. I gathered quite a bit of photo equipment and accessories and an enormous collection of prints and transparencies. Then, shortly after moving to South Florida, I had an experience that was enough to kill the passion I had for photography. Through an act of vandalism, all my photography gear was stolen and all of my negatives, transparencies, and prints were emptied into a tub of hot water. Well over 10,000 pieces down the drain. (No pun intended) That day, something more than camera gear and images were taken from me. I gave up photography for a long time. Then it happened. We moved to the mountains, I bought a camera, and once again . . . I was hooked. Now I have so much time to make up.